Posted in Blog, Blogging, Love, Poem, Poetry

A Girl’s Monologue

Entry 18

Your Love
On the throne you sit
Admiring us from within
Your greatest creation
Unshaken with its frugality
When storms come
You ask of faith and trust
Your voice so still
“Let go and believe”
It’s meant to be easy
To love and be loved
How great your love is

Posted in Blog, Blogging, Life, Love, Poem, Poetry

A Girl’s Monologue

Entry 17

I love Rumi poems. The words provoke my heart and mind to dance and merry.

Do you know what you are?
You are a manuscript oƒ a divine letter.
You are a mirror reflecting a noble face.
This universe is not outside of you.
Look inside yourself;
everything that you want,
you are already that.”
― Rumi, Hush, Don’t Say Anything to God: Passionate Poems of Rumi


Posted in Blog, Blogging, Life, Love, Poem, Poetry

A Girl’s Monologue

Entry 15

A Wish

How swiftly the days fly by
Mask on just to survive the day
Aren’t you tired of being someone else?
Oh I wish you had taught me earlier
How to love and be kind to myself
Maybe I would have grasped it

Posted in Blog, Blogging, Life, Love, Poem, Poetry

A Girl’s Monologue

Entry 11

Secrets of the Heart

I listen to you
As you navigate choices and strategies
While I contemplate the magic behind your actions
In your quiet moments, desires find solace
When desire fades, silent teachings emerge
Oh, my unbiased, kind soul
You’ve taught me to embrace space
To find serenity in stillness
Your mysteries remain veiled
Yet, one certainty prevails
I wouldn’t be myself without you.



Posted in Blogging, Life, Love, Musing, Poem, Poetry

New Events

Day 233

It’s time for me to let go
Let go of old habits
Old habits that are limiting
It time for me to let you go
Let go of my past
A past that is already gone
It’s time for me to let go
Let go of my mistakes
Mistakes with great lessons
It’s time for me to let go
Let go of yesterday
It’s time for me to let go
Let go of my anxiety
Anxiety that cultivates fear
It’s time for me to let go
Let go of people
People who are not good for me
It’s time for me to let go
Let go of circumstances
That caused hurt and pain
It’s time for me to create
Create space and time
For new events
That align with my soul